Thursday, October 29, 2009


I am really busy and I have so much work to do and portfolio of evidence to work on and I'm hot and tired and it's the end of the year and instead of winding down, it's busier than ever.  Gasp, I can't breathe!  No, really!  Here come the anxiety attacks!!!  So, anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I haven't been shopping the last day or two and I know that's good bad, but I just don't have the time...very sad.  Not to mention frustrating.  Oh, not like you missed me anyway.  Whatever.

Shop until you puke people, shop more for me too.  Thanks.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hearts and Roses

So I have a friend who, every time she sees me wearing new jewellery, frowns and demands to know why I didn't buy two - one for her as well.  The only way that you can succeed as a serial shopper is if you shop constantly, consistenly and conscientiously.  So I was at Farm City and Plantland's tea garden in de Villebois de Marieulles (sic?!) road and I look up and see a jewellery/gift shop full of crystal beads, hearts and roses staring at me, talking to me and calling me.  I could not ignore the loud yelling and  I bought the most amazing necklace and bracelet with a big fat beautiful heart on each for an unbelievable price!

So, these are my latest acquisitions (other than all of the magazines that I purchased over the last few days to satisfy my other addiction - oh, yes you have to buy the latest issue of Glamour and get your free sunglasses - amazing!) and I believe that as a confirmed shopping junkie it is my responsibility to share.  Someday if anyone actually reads my blog (so then follow me if you want updates), perhaps they'll appreciate the fact that I do not believe in keeping knowledge to myself.  As a Training Manager I am the type of person who believes sharing is caring (okay, that's a lie), but honestly now; if I can teach you, I'll never have to do it for you.

So, do it for yourselves ladies!  Shop like it's going out of fashion!!!


Okay, now I'm scared - in the 80's and very early 90's, I had a blonde, permed poodle-do with enormous bubble and teased fringe and I loved it.

My worry is this:  I was reading the ELLE magazine (gotta love it) and I came across an article that opened my eyes to the fact that the 80's are back with a huge big bang.  Oh.  My.  Gosh.  I never thought I'd see the day.  Let me start at the beginning.

I had a History teacher in high school named Miss Langham.  While going through some fashion history, she mentioned that when she was younger she'd owned a pair of tartan wadges.  All of the girls shrieked with laughter and shock and vowed never to be caught dead in them as she drew the picture of the hideous shoes loud and clear on the board.  When we'd settled down, she said "they will come back into fashion and you will wear them.  Well, this statement of course had us in stitches.  Us???  Never!!  Then, guess what happened?  Horror of horrors, a few years later they did come back into fashion...and we did wear them without thinking twice...because they were just so cool.

So, now that the 80's shoulder pads (laugh and laugh and laugh), and skinny jeans (did someone say Ronald Sassoon with the numberplate on the butt??) and gladiators (eeeeuuuuuuuwwwwwww!!) and harem pants (so very much like breakdance pants, remember them?) and ski pants (I don't care if they're lurex, lycra or stocking, ski pants are ski pants), the big shirt (who could forget the big shirt?), and acid bright colours (remember the sunglasses jogging shorts) are all coming back into fashion, I find a few items already in my wardrobe listed here that I didn't realise were 80's at all a month or so ago...until the article in ELLE refreshed my memory.

This just goes to show that you should never ever ever ever chuck out your old clothes because they're out of fashion.  Unless you'll never fit into them again that is.  Fashion it seems, keeps on coming back around when you're not looking.  Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes so not.  I'll tell you this much though, while I just might tease my "fringe" and wear a bubble again (laugh and laugh and laugh), I will most certainly never ever again perm my hair!!!  And that's a promise!!

So until next time boys and girls, shop til you drop...80's style!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cool blog

I think I have a really cool blog, especially having looked at some others which look like (sorry to say) shit.

I have just eaten half a wheel of Camembert...and it was divine!!!

I'm back

So I said I'd be back and here I am!  I bought black dye and I'm sitting at my kitchen counter working on my laptop with my hair full of dye.   Love the smell of dye, it's like petrol - addictive!  Minus 15 minus to go, ha ha ha!!!  I always leave dye on for at least 20 minutes longer than the instructions tell you to.  And I bought a YOU magazine and some hair serum and a packet of popcorn and a slim-slab esrlier.  And 2 boxes of cigaretttes, a Pretoria News and a Star.  The newspaper chappie on the corner thinks I like him so I feel bad not to buy a paper.  I must change my Wednesday-morning route...

My sister phoned me today from England - love her and miss her terribly.  She's the ultimate shopping buddy, has a most amazing, adorable child and is a fantastic person. :-(  England's too far away.  Me no like.

Shop, shop, shop.

Shoes and clothes

I don't have much time, but I thought I should let you know that I bought gladiator shoes, which I vowed I'd never, ever buy!  But they're very nice - extremly high heels and not the ones with the horrible hundreds of skinny straps and a flat sole.  Yuck, hate those.  They are seriously ugly and common-looking (so what, you like them, you have to wear them, not me - I don't have to like them or be nice about them or pretend I think they're nice).

And then I also bought a really, really nice top - a one-shouldered effort that my dad always calls a "tarzan-top".  Yes Pops, I suppose that is exactly what it is!!!  :-)  I can't remember what else, it just feels like so long ago!  Oh, now I remember - a really beautiful, long silver necklace!  And yet another good shopping spree is complete!

I need to colour my hair.  I think I'll leave right now and buy some hair dye seeing that all of the people at work that I need to speak to are in a meeting snd I feel very neglected.  Yes, I think I'll do just that and I'll check back in with you at a later stage.

P.S.  I was thinking that I should actually discontinue this blog as I have one whole follower who I think personally joined me by accident (sorry Ashley, perhaps you did, perhaps not), but after all, one of the things I said when I started my blog was that it was NOT about YOU, it's about ME and I don't care if nobody wants to read it.  So I'll continue.  :-p

Til next time, shop like it's going out of fashion!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What a weekend!

So after doing the family thing and the extended-family thing on Friday night and Saturday, this morning I woke up, looked outiside at the miserable, grey sky and thought, "PERFECT weather for a marathon shopping session", and guess what - I was right (who knew)!!  What a great shopping spree!  Pity so much of it was food though - food shopping isn't something that I consider to be real shopping at all.  "Shopping" talks to clothes, shoes, accessories, cosmetics, etc, not food!  However, it was fun as I've rediscovered my "chef" side (please don't laugh, I know you want to, but I go through these phases every so often and I'd just appreciate it if you humour me please?  Thanks.) and so I ended up buying a ridiculous amount of ingredients for breakfast/lunch/dinner for the next few days...and it was actually a lot of fun!  Perhaps it's just spending money that does it for me...?  Now I just have to hope that my inner-chef doesn't disappear, otherwise I have wasted a lot of money...

So anyway, please don't for one second think that food is all that I bought.  I bought more baby clothes for yet another preggy friend (not considered real shopping either) and then I stumbled across this ridiculous situation!   Thinking about this actually brings me to a question - so if you've been reading my blogs on a regular basis (just follow me for crying out loud - really you may), you'll have read that I only really wear black (no, I'm not a goth or a witch - although some would differ - I like black, it goes well with all of the other black stuff in my cupboard).  So it is really, really very annoying when I feel forced to purchase other coloured items of clothing along with the black ones because...the coloured ones are either on sale or cheaper to start with??!?!?!?  WTF???  When did this start happening??!?!?!?!  So today I bought a (very nice I should just say) blue boob-tube top with all the Grecian-looking draping that's "so hot right now" (thanks Paris for that gem), and then I took the black one too without checking the price (so not me to buy anything but black at all, but once I saw that the blue one was such a good price, silly me, I never imagined that the black one wouldn't be the same price), only to discover when I reached the counter that the blue one was 40% cheaper than the black one!  For goodness sake!  Anyone?  A hint at why this could be?  Well, true to form I took both anyway of course, but that isn't the point, is it?  No.  It isn't.

So, I should just add that, Liam Whatshisname from the UK, whatever your surname is, who's been whingeing and crying about the TV licensing thing, blah, blah, blah; once I figure out how to remove myself from being a "follower" of your blog, you can get stuffed boy.  You broke a promise, not that you should necessarily keep it as I don't know you from a bar of soap, but simply because you said you would and you didn't, and one day if you do, you'll know what I'm going on about and then you may respond with a stinky comment on this post - feel free, but in the meantime, screw you!!!  Ha ha ha!!!

Until next time ladies and gents and completely unfaithful and disloyal non-"followers";

Friday, October 2, 2009

Blog of Note

Note to Self:  Find out what I need to do to get my Blog Noted as a Blog of Note...then DO  IT! 

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A change is as good as a holiday

What an odd few days! I love a change but this is extreme!