Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm back

So I said I'd be back and here I am!  I bought black dye and I'm sitting at my kitchen counter working on my laptop with my hair full of dye.   Love the smell of dye, it's like petrol - addictive!  Minus 15 minus to go, ha ha ha!!!  I always leave dye on for at least 20 minutes longer than the instructions tell you to.  And I bought a YOU magazine and some hair serum and a packet of popcorn and a slim-slab esrlier.  And 2 boxes of cigaretttes, a Pretoria News and a Star.  The newspaper chappie on the corner thinks I like him so I feel bad not to buy a paper.  I must change my Wednesday-morning route...

My sister phoned me today from England - love her and miss her terribly.  She's the ultimate shopping buddy, has a most amazing, adorable child and is a fantastic person. :-(  England's too far away.  Me no like.

Shop, shop, shop.

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