Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Okay, now I'm scared - in the 80's and very early 90's, I had a blonde, permed poodle-do with enormous bubble and teased fringe and I loved it.

My worry is this:  I was reading the ELLE magazine (gotta love it) and I came across an article that opened my eyes to the fact that the 80's are back with a huge big bang.  Oh.  My.  Gosh.  I never thought I'd see the day.  Let me start at the beginning.

I had a History teacher in high school named Miss Langham.  While going through some fashion history, she mentioned that when she was younger she'd owned a pair of tartan wadges.  All of the girls shrieked with laughter and shock and vowed never to be caught dead in them as she drew the picture of the hideous shoes loud and clear on the board.  When we'd settled down, she said "they will come back into fashion and you will wear them.  Well, this statement of course had us in stitches.  Us???  Never!!  Then, guess what happened?  Horror of horrors, a few years later they did come back into fashion...and we did wear them without thinking twice...because they were just so cool.

So, now that the 80's shoulder pads (laugh and laugh and laugh), and skinny jeans (did someone say Ronald Sassoon with the numberplate on the butt??) and gladiators (eeeeuuuuuuuwwwwwww!!) and harem pants (so very much like breakdance pants, remember them?) and ski pants (I don't care if they're lurex, lycra or stocking, ski pants are ski pants), the big shirt (who could forget the big shirt?), and acid bright colours (remember the sunglasses jogging shorts) are all coming back into fashion, I find a few items already in my wardrobe listed here that I didn't realise were 80's at all a month or so ago...until the article in ELLE refreshed my memory.

This just goes to show that you should never ever ever ever chuck out your old clothes because they're out of fashion.  Unless you'll never fit into them again that is.  Fashion it seems, keeps on coming back around when you're not looking.  Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes so not.  I'll tell you this much though, while I just might tease my "fringe" and wear a bubble again (laugh and laugh and laugh), I will most certainly never ever again perm my hair!!!  And that's a promise!!

So until next time boys and girls, shop til you drop...80's style!!!

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