Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Bargain Hunter Strikes Again!!

Well, I've done it again!  Everywhere I go, there are bargains and sales, just begging me to take advantage of them - what kind of disobedient, rude, arrogant, good-for-nothing loser would I be not listen to those voices?  So, of course, I listened.

Listen, I bought a R280 (beautiful I might add) pair of shoes for R99.99 from Kingsmead Shoes in Menlyn Retail Park (they don't seem to have their own website, how sad is that??  Disappointing) over the long weekend - what a serious bargain!!  www.retailpark.co.za/categories.htm?category=Footwear and they had so many pairs of sale shoes to pick from, it was like bloody Christmas in there I tell you!!

So then I went all over the place picking up bargains.  Tst, tsk, how shocking.

P.S. My husband bought me the new Pitbull CD.  He has a foul mouth and his lyrics are mostly disgusting, but all in all, a damn good CD.  Example - last few words of track #2 - "I am what I am, I do what I do, if you don't like it, it's cool, f*ck you."  Ouch, my ears...

So I'm thinking that we should all be waiting for Jenna Clifford http://www.jennaclifford.com/ to bring out April specials (no, really JC your "specials" this year have been very disappointing), then we can all go shopping there!  Unless you want a pewter Candarel holder (oh gosh, how very twee) and a rose ringy pendant thingy at an expensive price for what it is??!!  Come now, bring back the good stuff!  Let's all wear Jenna Clifford pendants and t-shirts please!!!  Bling, serious bling!

Shop til you drop!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Facebook Profile

I thought that you may, or may not, find it interesting to read this, as this is what's on my Facebook page, but it feels out of place there as Facebook is pretty superficial and this is "deep" - well, for me anyway.  I don't do "touchy-feely" very well.  Have a read, see what you think.

So, if you read my blog you will find out what I do in the little spare time that I have.

But what defines me as a person? Is it my upbringing, my education and my family and relationships? Is it the work I do, my interests & hobbies and the people I choose to spend time with? Perhaps it's my past, my present or my future. I'm not sure.
What I do know is that I don't know myself as well as I thought I did. Let me explain.
Three years ago I resigned from TPG, the wonderful company I had worked at for almost 7 years to see what more I could do, what further skills I was capable of acquiring, if I had more to offer than I realised I had and if I could still sell. Having been in sales for many years, then giving up all of my clients slowly but surely gave me withdrawl symptoms; but there was no time for me to manage a full branch of consultants and hold onto my clients as well, never mind bring in new ones.
So I started consulting at Thomas International, also a great company; realised I could do all I'd hoped I could & had not lost my skills while managing, but had fine-tuned them. Nice feeling? Not really as I wanted to be somewhere else; back in the recruitment industry, but more specifically at TPG.
I started back at TPG eight months after I'd left. What a good move! As the Training Manager I had challenge upon challenge and I loved my job. I was so glad not to be managing a team again as I felt the touchy-feely side was so not me. I let five - not one; five opportunities pass by me with a smile. Manage a branch again? No thanks!
As things inevitably do, they changed and an opportunity was presented to me that I didn't expect, wasn't sure I wanted, but couldn't really refuse for a number of reasons. I've taken over management of TPG's Midrand branch, and am I enjoying it? Hell, yes! I didn't want this, I didn't ask for it and I didn't imagine I'd be doing this ever again. Yes, it has its' ups and downs, yes I'm back on medication to control my anxiety attacks, yes I am writing this note at 3:54am as I couldn't sleep and have been awake since 1am, but am I where I want to be? Absolutely.
What's the moral of the story? Sometimes you just have no idea what you really want as you're not being honest with yourself about who you are and what you get off on and the things that make you tick.
Oh, another thing, if you're reading this and smirking? Get the hell off my page and de-friend yourself. Enough mushy stuff for one day. Over & out.

Helen The Bargain Hunter

So here I am again - blog, I almost told you to go to hell, but sometimes blogging is a good release.  Like I've said before, dear reader/follower, if you don't want to read my blog and you think that you have the right to be critical and pass comments, pick a finger and tell someone who cares.  With that out of the way, let me tell you my latest story!

About 2 weeks ago my hairdryer started giving me shit.  It started getting really really hot and making a weird vibrating, metallic noise.  As usual, I thought I'll get there eventually (if it's not clothes or make-up, it really doesn't take priority!!) and buy a new one whenever.  Anyway, this morning it made a noise like an explosion and didn't want to switch off, ha ha ha!!!

I am quite sure that I've mentioned before that I wash my hair every single day without fail.  I will not leave the house if I haven't washed my hair.  It's really long and there's plenty of it and it's a real pain to wash and dry every day, but I am a smoker and there is no way in hell that I'll go out in the morning having scrubbed every other square inch of myself...but not my head/hair, feeling like an olie-bollie with hair smelling of smoke...or last night's dinner!  DISGUSTING!!!  Sis!!!!!

So anyway, off I go to The Grove shopping mall http://www.thegrovemall.co.za/ - very nice newish centre down the road from where I live, open til late!!!

Usually, I am not the type that hunts for bargains, but today I just got hit from all sides with the bargains!!  I had R120 worth of cash-back vouchers from Clicks http://www.clicks.co.za/clicks/Index.aspx.  I saw the dye was on special - R15 off per box, so I bought 2 (save R30), the shampoo and conditioner I use (Gliss - divine!!) was on special so I bought one of each (save R20) and the hairdryer was on special (save R50), so I saved R100 and got R120 off with my vouchers!!  What a great deal!  So, I saved myself R220 today - good for me!!

Again it bacame clear to me that the only way that you can go shopping for bargains and find them consistently is to be in the shops constantly so that you know which bargains are coming up and keep your eye on that ridiculously high-priced item and wait until the price comes down and you can afford it without feeling guilty!!!!

Thought for the day:  "It is really easy to stop smoking - I've done it a thousand times."  Mark Twain.  Mark, yes, you speak the truth...

Enjoy your shopping, see you at the mall!