Monday, February 15, 2010


So I've been getting such shitty service lately, it's horrific!!!!  Really!  Everywhere I go I end up fighting with the shop assistants and giving them a piece of my mind and telling them how rude and unhelpful I think they are, never mind not worthy of their job in a day and age where so many people are unemployed.  I really think it's so awful, honestly.

When I go to Baby City, wander around like a lost fart in a bubble bath for 10 minutes, then finally yell at a gaggle of 3 assistants standing blabbering loudly to one another across the room to enquire whether or not any of them actually work there and would perhaps like to assist me and they jump a foot into the air and all scurry over to assist...for goodness sake!!  Who trains these people??  And who's managing them???

When the cashier in the PnP Liquor store is relaxing in her chair as though it's a gomma-gomma and doesn't even sit up straight when I walk in, never mind glance in my direction, so when I walk over to ask her a question my blood starts boiling and I can't help myself from blurting out that if she is a representative if PnP, they should be completely ashamed of themselves for employing her as she doesn't deserve her job.  One day I am expecting to either get slapped very hard by an irate salesperson or be given a mouthful by a very self-important cashier.

Oh well, whatever.  If I can't keep my mouth shut I suppose i deserve whatever I'll get!  I'm tired of complaining on even though it does come to something it's a pain in the butt.

The moral of the story is this:  if you must shop (and you must), go in knowing what you want and not needing to ask for assistance - it ain't gonna happen.

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