Sunday, September 27, 2009

Enough of this self-punishment and self-deprivation thanks!!

ENOUGH! So I decided this morning first thing that I'm taking all of my credit cards out of the safe where, upon my request 6 or 7 months ago my husband hid them, on a serious shopping spree.  This debt-free attempt is sommer bullshit. And then I decided to have margaritas for dinner. This unwarranted self-punishment has now ended, thank you very much.  I am back in action as the Serial Shopper and my cards are all active once again!  And now I feel like a million bucks again at last!!  WOO HOO!

So what did I buy?  It's quite a list.

  • 3 tops - Edgars, Truworths and Identity

  • Hair dye - Clicks

  • 2 magazines - Clicks

  • Vitamin Water x all flavours available - Woolworths

  • New costume (yes, I do have plenty but who wants to be seen on the beach in the same costume every day?  No, not me)

  • 3 rings - very nice indeed, pretty

  • Plenty of new underwear (the details of which are for me to know)

  • Oh yes, and 2 belts.

  • It feels like I've left something out, as well I have.  The Shopaholic despises cooking.  I bought the following from Woolworths for dinner as it was my turn to cook:

    1. Fettuccine

    2. 250ml fresh cream

    3. Pot of fresh pesto

    4. 2 punnets (punnets of strawberries only??!!) of baby button mushrooms

    • Clean mushrooms, fry in butter and garlic, add pesto, when it's bubbling nicely add cream (don't let it boil too quickly, they tell me it will curdle...).  Add the cooked fettuccine and combine.  Grate parmesan over the top and serve.  Pathetically easy, took me less than 15 minutes...and it's idiot-proof.  That's the only type of cooking I do.  Perhaps it can work for you too.

So I've come to the conclusion, once again that this blog is all about me.  ME, ME, ME.  And what the hell is wrong with that?  Yawn.  If THIS can't be about me, what the hell is????

I made mojitos today.  What a stupid set of directions!  It takes 8 hours to set in the freezer and go slushy!!  If I have to wait 8 hours for a drink I won't be thirsty any more??!!  Mind you, I almost forgot about it, and when I remembered it was just right and very nice indeed!

So I'm thinking; there are a lot of people I have to buy stuff for now (before the end of October), (myself included - Jenna Clifford I am coming to your store, oh yes I am) (just in case you missed it the previous time; like the following:

  • birthday present for hubby (bday is 23 Oct)

  • baby presents for at least 3 friends who decided to get buns in their ovens

  • take advantage of Jenna Clifford's special offer (you can't see it on her website - it's in the newsletter which doesn't get published on the website for some or other obscure reason)

  • wax (note to self - book for self and friend to go together so that I can hear her scream while I have a glass of wine and a cigarette, lol)

  • there were so many other things I was thinking of earlier today.  Oh well, they should come back to me soon -  let's hope so

I'm tired, it was a really good day of shopping.  Oh, one last thing:  last year we were on holiday at the coast and I went into this shoe shop and had to have a gorgeous, truly stunning, beautiful silver sandals that were there.  Open shoes I usually wear a size 7, closed a 6.  This, as luck would have it, was a size 8 and the very last pair.  So, of course, I bought them and that was in December last year.  I wore them shopping for the first time today.  What a stupid girl!!  They were washing the floor in Mr P and I went for a ski on my butt having slipped and fallen off my nice new silver heels.  Red face, so embarrassing!!!   I'll find someone to take them off my hands for me, I will not wear them again!!

Last, last thing - I spent the entire morning lying in the sun.  I did use a little bit of sunscreen but I burnt horribly, it feels very nice though - first burn of the summer, woo hoo!!  Now I can prance around in the sun next to the pool without worrying about blinding anyone with my white legs!!  Today red, tomorrow brown!!

Very last thing - I have a very dear friend who's battling to conceive - should I offer to be a surrogate or not?  I'd love to...I think.  Go have a look -   As long as she'd pay for the tummy tuck thereafter (there would surely have to be one) and the lipo (come on, I picked up 18kg when I was pregnant with Liam - it's necessary), and perhaps we can throw in a boob job there as well, ha ha ha!!!  This Shopaholic wouldn't do it if it meant I'd like like a bag at the end of it, ha ha!!  How odd that I haven't even said this out loud, yet I've written it for all to see on my blog.  Hmmm.

Til next time, shop like it's going out of fashion!  Yeah baby!!

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