Monday, January 18, 2010

Oh, get stuffed you self-important wench

So this is what this bitch tells me (please take note that I did not ask for unwanted advice, I merely invited other shoppers to view my page on the off-chance that they may like it, bearing in mind that it is my"online diary").

"I have to say that your blog has no real unity (fonts, colours, etc.) to it, nor does it offer any fellow shopaholic any shopping tips, links, etc. that I all just seems to be about YOU, with no thought of your READERS and what you can offer them for the time they spend on your blog???

Possibly re-consider your goals for this blog and what you hope to achieve/offer the public IF you intend for it to be a publicly known site...sorry for the critique but I call'em as I see' can ignore my thoughts if you wish, of course."
So I have a message for you - SCREW YOU.  Oh wait, I have a "shopping tip" for her - select item, proceed to cash desk, remove wallet from handbag and extract either cash or card.  Stupid woman.  Point of interest:  the woman responding to this is into mayhem and murder according to her sad and sorry-looking blog.  Poor thing.  No wonder she can't relate.  Interesting that she would've visited my blog at all.  Probably just to offer unappreciated and unwelcome "advice" to compensate for something that's missing in her life.  Oh well, we can't all be like me.  More's the pity.
I quite enjoy criticism...when I ask for it and by someone who's qualified to give it.  Then, and only then.
P.S. Yesterday was a wonderful shopping day - go to the Trenery and Country Roads sale at Woolies, you'll LOVE it!!  Oh, except you, whoever you are.  Perhaps you'd enjoy a halloween store - sorry, I can't help you there :(

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