Thursday, December 24, 2009


So after a mad, last minute dash to buy a small mountain of Christmas presents for my (dearly loved, horribly spoilt - in a nice way - 1st born, last born) little boy, it was off to the coast at last for The Long Awaited Holiday.

I don't mind telling you that I am hugely unimpressed with the shitty, rainy, miserable, overcast, hair-frizzing weather. I believe I actually put my order in 6 months ago & now instead of celebrating Christmas day in the sun on the beach it will be in a townhouse listening to & looking at grey skies & rain pelting down.

Sigh. Seriously p'd off. Cant even go shopping on Christmas day.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jingle jingle

So I had a great day today - it's my 9th wedding anniversary so I was spoilt (my husband seems to have realised that I loooooove Jenna Clifford, yay!!) and got to go shopping, out for lunch to my absolute favourite restaurant, Pascalis, then home to sleep off the after-effects of last night's late night, then some more shopping!

Anyway, among my few purchases...okay fine I'll list them shortly, was something rather interesting and disgusting and honky and a real novelty which is not to be repeated.

I bought new mascara (I seem to buy mascara weekly, what a waste), silver liquid eyeshadow, green liquid eyeshadow, Justine lip balm, hair dye - blue-black, lipstick, 4 DVD's, a CD for Gerhard, and Carribean Tan.

I couldn't wait to get home and try the Carribean Tan out as I am going to the coast next week and haven't seen the sun in too long - well my jiggly bits haven't anyway.

What a mess!!!  Thank goodness I sprayed it on in the shower as it got absolutely everywhere!  On top of that, it does not spray evenly, it makes blobs and blotches, thick parts, streaky parts, thin patches.  It stinks to high heaven and says it takes 5 to 10 minutes to dry, will come off on the bedsheets, don't worry, it's water-soluble, and it was 2 hours ago - it's still sticky and rubbing off on everything.  It says you shouldn't shower for 8 hours and neither should you exercise and perspire (there goes my gym session, ha ha - duh, wedding anniversary, whoops) or wear tight clothing (hello, it's my wedding anniversary, that was actually in the plan) until you have showered.  The best thing I can say for it is that the colour is nice.  If it were even I'd like it a whole lot more though.

Enjoy your Christmas shopping!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

?! Huge buy!

How scary! Going to make an offer on a really amazing house tomorrow! And our house isn't even in the market yet! We seem to be doing things a bit arse-about-face! Excited, scared, nervous...!

Wish me luck!

Go BIG or go home, ha ha ha!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Too 80's??

Over the weekend it was my company's Christmas function & I didn't know what on Earth I was going to wear - empty closets & all that - & the black top I'd bought for the function a few weeks prior just wasn't doing it for me; too many itchy-scratchy-looking sequins & the pants didn't seem to match the top didn't seem to match the shoes I'd bought either. Off I went to the mall - as I do - & settled on black pants, white pants (I know, I know), black sandals (yes, I know) & a black & silver sequinned boob-tube. Not very cleverly exchanging one problem for another. Confirming all rumours about sequins, it scratched me so that by the end of the evening I felt as though I'd had a fight with a rose bush. And guess what? I still havent worn the white pants, thinking they're possibly too 80's. Aren't sequins slap-bang right out of the middle of the shoulder-pads, teased-hair, white-high-heels, stretch-jeans-with-number-plate-on-butt 80's? Oh yes, I think they are...

Shop 'til you can't shop no more coz your ever-so-stylish shoes have given you blisters.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fatty boemstix

Fat. Flobbly. Dimpled. Bloated. What do you think a terribly fussy vegetarian with a spastic colon who hates exercise and wants 2 lose weight should eat? Cardboard perhaps? It seems 2 me that everything edible contains meat, at least 5g of fat per serving or is gas-forming. I bought what should've been an exceptionally flattering bright blue one-piece costume from Foschi that looks like a long boob-tube top made of costume fabric with a broekie underneath. You know what? I tried it on & felt like Tannie Sannie, still fat, still flobbly & dimpled. How disappointing. I have 2 .5 wks in which 2 lose weight & Simply Slim does not work 4 me. Sigh. Any ideas? Anyone?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

And so the cycle begins again...And. I. Am. Loving. It!!!!!!

So today I was feeling all sorry for myself – rather pathetic considering the only reason I’m sensitive is that instead of working through until the early hours of yesterday morning, I was instead skypeing my sister in the UK and therefore tiredness is making me fragile – and so I quickly, quickly dashed across the road from the office and bought myself yet another To Me, From Me gift.  Let’s call this one a belated birthday present.  No. Too long ago.  It’s an early anniversary present, yes (so the Queen on non-sentimentilism, if there is such a word, remembers the anniversary only becuase it means an excuse to shop.  Terrible.)!!  I bought a bloody expensive flat iron/curling iron which I (no, really) had no intention whatsoever of purchasing when I got into my car.  But what a feeling!!!!  Good for me!!  Ha ha!!  Now that my pockets are considerably lighter I am happy!


Shop til you drop!