Friday, November 6, 2009

All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl...

So it looks like on top of all of the other engagements that I have this weekend, all free moments are going to be spent working and those not spent working are going to be spent shopping which, the way I calculate it, means there's no time to sleep and even less time to breathe, especially in that panicky-I've-got-too-much-to-do-and-sense-a-heartattack-coming-on kind of breathing.  I have lots of shopping that I need to do, dammit.  All I've bought this week is magazines and blue-black (please note blue-black, not just any-old black) hairdye and some very cool handbag hooks (5 x for Christmas presents) and some other random little thingies.  I actually need lots of big stuff!!!  Like, this weekend!  Who ever thought that I would be studying, working, trying to find time to shop and attempting to behave in the appropriate fashion for a wife and mother and also making nice with friends that I've neglected (yes, I am a crap friend, I believe this is not the first time I've mentioned it).  WTF, WTF, WTF.  Lmfao, perhaps a holiday can solve the hysteria??  No, highly unlikely.

Gotta dash, if I don't do my work no-one else will.

P.S. Shop like mad!  There are really, truly sales absolutely everywhere!!!


  1. You sound like you would make a great personal shopper. I've read some of your postings in the Blogger Help section. So thought I'd drop by for a visit. I've linked up to follow you. Drop by my place for a slice of Boomer Pie.

  2. Oh dear - hope you get a minute to breathe and relax!

  3. Ha ha, thanks guys! I think in my next life I should be my own, full-time, billionaire Personal Shopper!!

    I must've done something really bad as I seem to be buried under my work - perhaps I'm being punished or all of my naughty, wild-child days have finally caught up with me, lol!!
