Monday, September 21, 2009

Where is payday??

My wonderful husband took me away for the night on Saturday to a resort, it was fantastic.  Had I had a pocket full of money, it could've been even better, but I am counting down the days to payday - 9 to go!  What a bummer!

I am trying very hard to pay off my (7) clothing accounts.  A friend and I decided to do this together for moral support - we said that as we pay one off completely we'd have a sacrificial burning evening where we take black candles and burn the offensive, evil credit cards for once and for all, lol!  As if that would work.  It helps to try to convince oneself, I suppose.  I bought the new Glamour, You, Heat, Cosmo, Fair Lady and Elle.  Oh, and Marie Claire I think, over the past few days.  They're full of "tips" to lose the winter fat and how to have better sex.  Oh please.  I can't actually repeat my real thoughts about this on my blog!!

I have realised (not for the first time) that I am not necessarily a pleasant person.  I quite enjoy it when colleagues are pissed off with me, I take pleasure from making myself unpopular at the office by pointing out errors made by those who were fully trained and just too lazy to implement my training, butI resent no longer being in the position to have full authority to address this.  It's really rather annoying.  I've been feeling very frustrated lately by my inability to be a ble to change my position much further than it's already evolved, other than to make it more admin-intensive.  YUCK.  I HATE admin, I am a salesperson.  This is not being exploited which is very sad as I am being under-utilised, and ability-ulitisation is top on my values list.  Tears and stamping foot and threats seem to get a person very far in this life.  Unfortunately for me and my pride, I just can't do this in good conscience.  So I'll stay as is for the time-being I suppose.  Can you imagine me thowing a frothy and acting like a child , turning on the waterworks and stamping my foot?  I can certainly be the prima-donna, that I don't deny, I might be slightly high-maintenance at the best of times, and I stamp my foot when people try to negotiate with me and get me to compromise as I don't like it, but the rest of it?  Not me thanks.

So, anyway.  I have bought 2 dresses over the past few months and not worn either of them.  I actually have no intention of wearing either of them.  I'm not sure why I bought them.  Perhaps because I really truly thought that maybe, just maybe all of a sudden I'd become feminine overnight and wear them with the grace with which they were designed to be worn.  That's quite a joke considering I can't even climb out of the car in a ladylike manner.  Any time now I should stop doing this and buying clothes that wouldn't suit me in a million years.  I don't do floaty, frills or flowers and patterns and lace.  I do black and white, sharp edges and corners, points and angles and I dress in a female-version of a natty-man style.  So what on Earth would possess me to buy dresses I have no intention of wearing?  I wish I knew, it's pretty ridiculous.  I suppose the same thing that would possess me to buy the pink top and the top with the chinese woman on it that I gave away the other day.  Perhaps it might suit me...absolutely not, there is a reason why I shouldn't do these things.  THEY.  DO.  NOT.  SUIT.  ME.  And I don't like them on me - on other people, yes.  On me, no.

I wore flat shoes this weekend to walk by the pool and my calves are sore.  I don't like flat shoes.  And they don't like me.  The feeling is mutual.  Sad indeed.

Blog, I think you're super-cool, I like being able to offload on something that doesn't talk back, however, if you feel the need to comment, please do so!

On a sad note :-(  my dog, Goblin that we bought to replace Sleg who we had to put down due to his back giving in (sausage dog) is a neurotic bark-oholic and after too many sleepless nights and dreams of doing the poor stupid mutt some serious harm, I've found a good home for him to move to.  Goblin moves out on Wednesday afternoon.  Good luck to him, I'm sure he'll be loved wherever he goes, he's very lovable...  To buy a new dog, or not to buy a new dog, that is the question, lmao!!!  I mustn't even entertain that thought, my husband will have my guts for garters, ha ha ha!!

Til next time, shop as if it's going out of fashion!

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